Step 5 - Simulate Bundle
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In Step 5, You need to distribute ETH to generated recipients wallets and you can view "TOKEN DETAILS" and "TRANSACTION DETAILS," which contain important information about your project. You will find the "ETH-bundler Fee" and "blockBuilder Fee" on this page. We will explain the fees in detail in another chapter.
All the total costs displayed in Step 5 are estimates calculated using our special algorithm, and the final results may vary.
Click the "Approve and Simulate" button to start the approval process and simulate your bundle.
After a successful simulation, you are now ready to launch your token in a bundle along with multiple swap transactions. In the bundle terminal, you can obtain simulation results such as Gas Used and other details. For now, you can ignore this information. If you want to learn more details, you can ask in our Telegram support group.
You can also re-run the simulation if needed.
IMPORTANT NOTE : You may encounter an error during the simulation due to high volatile gas prices at the time of simulation. Do not worry; you can wait for a while and then click the "Approve and Simulate" button again. Errors are very normal when gas prices are highly volatile.